<You know Jesus is all you need when Jesus is all you have..>

Thursday, August 05, 2004


AHH... i think last nite i slept on my hand .. woke up this morning with like a super red and swollen right hand .. quite scary couldnt really move it.. and thank God i am a left hander so still can brush teeth.. now the swell is gone .. it can move quite freely .. but just that there is still this very numb feeling ..

I know that there are some people around me who are quite numb about the things around them .. either stress over exams .. or just going through daily lives .. lacking that wonder or amazement you used to have... Well just like i try to remove the effects of the numbness by rubbing it .. it was kinda painful but effective.. so i would encourage these people to find a way to remove this numbness .. and for wonder and awesomeness in God .. it will be painful .. but it's better than letting the numbness stay .. thought for this morning ..