<You know Jesus is all you need when Jesus is all you have..>

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Compared with?

Do we like friends? We have to ask "Compared with what?" Compared with loneliness, we love our friends. Compared with isolation and insignificance, someone may choose to have an affair. But...
... Compared with Christ, no contest!
And what of our enemies? Can we ever break the binging sense of bitterness and self-protection that comes from an angry, withdrawn spirit? Compared with their getting away with tormenting our life and the vulnerability we'd feel if we forgave them, most of us would choose to withhold the grace of forgiveness.
...Compared with Christ, no contest!
Money? Compared with poverty, most of us are delighted to have money.
...Compared with Christ, there is no contest!
Do we enjoy the things that fill and surround our lives? Compared with a life that lacks, we love what we have.
...Compared with Christ, no contest!
Are my plans important? Compared with a purposeless, meaningless life? Yes!
... Compared with Christ, no contest!
Is the satisfaction of secret sin to be enjoyed? Compared with the cost of discarding it, perhaps. But compared with Christ...?
What would your answer be?
Everytime I refuse to give, love, serve forgive, go, or change a pattern of living because of something i treasure more - I tell Christ where He stands in my life.

abstract from "Following Christ" by Joseph M. stowell

very interesting.. very extreme and obvious choice.. aint it..