<You know Jesus is all you need when Jesus is all you have..>

Saturday, December 11, 2004

First Week of School

Can't believe it, it's the first week of school, and i stayed in school till 6 everyday. It feels as if it's the 10 week of school. Well but i am quite thankful for my project mates, cause they really wanna get like super good grades, and i really dun wanna hinder them. That's why i am pushing myself really hard. Staring at the computer the whole day makes me physically and mentally drained, so i am quite tired alot of the times.

There are still a few deadlines to meet during the christmas period so gotta work harder. Just too physically tired liao.. really need a holiday man ... ok there are a few more things i wanna add .. just kinda tired to do it... so will stop here for now ..